Diocese of Central Solomons (DOCS) was inaugurated on 4th May 1997 from the Diocese of Central Melanesia, the mother diocese of the Anglican Church of Melanesia. The episcopal boundary of DOCS then was Savo, Ngella, Guadalcanal (excluding Honiara and nearby communities – from Kesao River in the west to the Balasuna River in the east and the ridges of mountains inland of Honiara,) and Rennel and Bellona.
Later, Guadalcanal became diocese of its own in 2014 and Rennel and Bellona then came under the Diocese of Central Melanesia.
The Right Reverend Charles Koete was consecrated and installed as the first Bishop of the diocese when the diocese was inaugurated at the Christ the King Cathedral at Tulagi, Florida Islands in the Central Islands Province in 1997.
The Diocesan Bishop Charles Koete called the first Diocesan Synod on the 5th May 1997 purposely to adapt the canons and constitutions of the diocese. The Synod was convened in the Christ the King Cathedral. The delegates were mostly the active clergy and lay representatives from Ngella, Savo, Guadalcanal and Rennell and Bellona islands.
Bishop Charles Koete resigned in 2010 from the episcopal office in the church in the diocese and later called to rest on 24th October 2012.
The second Chapter in the life of this diocese began on the 20th February 2011 when the second bishop, the Right Reverend Ben Seka was consecrated and installed at the Christ the King Cathedral, Tulagi, Florida, Central Islands Province.
The second Diocesan Bishop was responsible to chair his first Diocesan Synod which was the sixth Diocesan Synod and was held at Veranaso in the home of the community of the Sisters of the Melanesia on Guadalcanal, from 11th to 15th July 2011. At that point in time, the total population of the Diocese of Central Solomons was 39,309. During this Synod, one of the wish discussed was the need to help facilitate the inauguration of the new Diocese of Guadalcanal. Fr. Chris Sam was given the task to spearhead the establishment of the new diocese.
On the 23rd June 2013, the Diocese of Central Solomons was divided, as mandated by one of the General Synod of the Anglican Church Melanesia. The islands of Ngella and Savo remain the Diocese of Central Solomons. The New Diocese of Guadalcanal was inaugurated and the islands of Rennel and Bellona became part of the Diocese of Central Melanesia on the same date.
After the demarcations of Guadalcanal and Rennel and Belona islands, the Diocese of Central Solomons is comprised of Ngella and Savo and consist of twelve districts and two parishes with no regions. Its population then was around 16,000 Christians both communicants and non-communicants.
On 28th June – 5th July 2014, the Diocese of Central Solomons held her 7th Diocesan Synod held at Tulagi Parish. On 24th – 28th April 2017 she held her 8th Diocesan Synod at Guba village, Hogo District and the 9th Diocesan Synod proposed this year on Polomuhu Village in Boli District from 6th to 8th of April 2021. The 9th Diocesan Synod was the last synod of the Right Reverend Ben Seka upon his extension of three years as extended from the 8th Diocesan Synod. Bishop Seka officially retired on 20th February 2021 at Christ the King Cathedral in Tulagi.
On Sunday 24th April 2022, Reverend Steve Koete was consecrated and installed as the 3rd Bishop of the Diocese of Central Solomons again at diocesan cathedral, Christ the King Cathedral, Tulagi. He is the current Bishop of the Diocese.
Diocesan Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Steven Koete
Office Phone: 32006
Mobile: 7411747
Email: bp.stevenkoete@gmail.com
Diocesan Secretary
Mr. James Voah
Office Phone: 32112
Mobile: 7795983
Email: voahjames@gmail.com

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