ACOM Consecrated New Bishop For DOBT

THE Anglican Church of Melanesia, which includes Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia has successfully consecrated and installed Reverend Patteson Worek to become the third Bishop of the Diocese of Banks and Torres (DOBT) in Vanuatu.
The Right Reverend Worek was consecrated by the Archbishop of Melanesia, the Most Reverend David Vunagi and was installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Banks and Torres by the Vicar General of the diocese, Reverend Benjamin Gislapwos.
Quoting from the book of Prophet Isaiah, a retired Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Rev. Michael Tavoa who preached to a parked crowd highlighted the qualities of a good bishop.
He said; “a bishop must be a man of vision, be a man of Wisdom and must be a man of Integrity”.
“A Bishop must be a man who can read signs in this ever changing times and to meaningfully relate to the people in the community and to the Government of the day and to the greater Anglican Church and the Province of Melanesia”, he said.
“A Bishop must set a high standard of relationship with the leaders of the Government of the day in order to advance the course of the church. The Church is not an isolated institution but very much part of the community it belong”.
On the same note, Archbishop David in his speech reminded the newly consecrated bishop of one of the  principles of leadership.
“Leadership is not an easy task and does not involve working alone” Archbishop David said.
Bishop Worek in his first address emphasized that his mission for the Diocese of Banks and Torres will involve a Holistic Mission approach.
“The Holistic development will include spiritual, social, political and economic aspects of people”, he said.
Bishop Worek urged the Government, the chiefs and church leaders and the people of the diocese to assist him in his vision and mission of the diocese.
More than two thousand people living in and around the Diocese of Banks and Torres and a team led by Archbishop David from the Provincial Head Quarter of the Church of Melanesia in Honiara, Church partners in New Zealand and Australia, representatives from the Government of Vanuatu, Vice Chancellor and other prominent church leaders and staff from the ACOM in Vanuatu witnessed the event.


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