‘Dioceses Must Work Together In Reducing Violence Against Women And Girls’: ++David

“Violence against women and girls is one that demands attention of all the dioceses in the Province of Melanesia at this time”. The Most Reved David Vunagi said in his key note address to the 19th Synod of Malaita.

“All members of the church and communities must not be silent about violence. Violence is evil and to be silent about it is also evil” he said.

Parenting Program launched in 2011 is one that is currently rolled out in some dioceses training facilitators to who will carry out the program in their dioceses.

Parents are encouraged to involve in this program. This is one long term plan in addressing violence from the families.

“Proper parenting will help children to grow into manhood and womanhood in the absence of violence”, Archbishop David said.

In other developments, he told the 19th Diocesan synod of Malaita that church must only support development that are destruction and damage free to the environment.

“We need development to support the mission of the church but the mission of the church is to encourage developments that reflect stewardship of the environment and the entire creation” he said in his key note address at Buma Parish Central region of Malaita he said.

“Logging and mining are not the money making developments the church should support” he concluded.


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