ACoM And Stakeholders Commemorate Sea Sunday

JOINING the other Mission to Seafarers Centers around the world, the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) Mission to Seafarers office, together with the Solomon Islands Maritime Safety Administration (SIMSA), the Solomon Islands Ports Authority, the seafarers, ship owners and other stakeholders came together to commemorate the Sea Sunday at the Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) Wharf on 8th July.

The Theme for this year’s Sea Sunday is “Remember all Mateship and Navy who died in War”.

Sea Sunday, an annual event held every first week of July, is the day Mission to Seafarers around the world commemorate the very important role of  those who work in ships and those who lost their lives during the course of their duty in our ships.

In his address at the celebration, the President of the Mission to Seafarers, The Most Reverend George Takeli, acknowledged the important service seafarers both local and international carry provide to our nation.

“Truly, the Seafarers deserve our support and care for the important work they do as they carry out their work as seafarers to serve our people and nations,” he said.

“ Our seafarers provide a bridge between our islands and nations: They transport people between islands and nations to enable government, business and Church officials to carry out their work; They help implement Government / Private Sectors development policies and programs by ferrying physical materials for infrastructure development; They grow Nation’s Economy through transporting goods and materials between islands and nations for business trading and they establish an effective model community on ships where they live and work together, their work is not concerned to serve any race, color, gender and religion, but they carry out their work to serve the needs of all people; the President of the Mission to Seafarers highlighted in his address yesterday.

“As President of the Seafarers Ministry here in Solomon Islands, I am appealing to all of us: the Church, Ship owners, shipping companies, Ports Authority, Government Ministries and other Stakeholders to support the work of our seafarers and their families in our Country through their living conditions on our ships and fair rewards”, he added.

It is clear that a successful shipping industry will make a positive impact on our overall growth in the Socio-Political, Economic, Cultural and Spiritual wellbeing of our people, Communities and nations; the Most Rev. George Takeli also said.

Minister of Development Planning & Aid Coordination Hon. Jeremiah Manele who also attended the Service also acknowledged the significant contributions the seafarers rendered towards the economic growth and development of this nation.

He also assures the seafarers through the Solomon Islands Maritime Safety Administration (SIMSA) that the current Government will continue to render their support through reforms that will not only help to our Seafarers and also ensure we comply with the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation.

Director of SIMSA Captain Tim Harris, General Secretary of ACoM Dr. Abraham Hauriasi, Vicar General of the Diocese of Central Melanesia Bishop Jonny Kuper and Representatives from SIPA also attended the Sea Sunday Service.


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