The Diocese of Guadalcanal has completed its episcopal tour from 18th to 30th June 2024, with the theme “Salt and Light for the World” (Matthew 5:13-16). This spiritually enriching journey across eleven rural parishes aimed to strengthen the faith of parishioners, encouraging them to steadfastly uphold their Christian identity (Jeremiah 1:4-5) and serve as beacons of Christ’s light while awaiting His return (Matthew 24:36; 1 Thessalonians 5:2).
Throughout the tour, 674 young children received the sacrament of confirmation, from West Vaturanga Parish, west of Honiara to Aola Parish east of Honiara. These liturgical services underscored the commitment of these young believers to renounce the devil and embrace Christ, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.
The tour also focused on healing and reconciliation, with many parishioners seeking to mend broken relationships within the community and the Church. This emphasis on spiritual restoration highlighted the Church’s role in upholding unity and peace.
Two deacon ordinations were a highlight of the tour. Matthias Calvin was ordained as a deacon, with plans to serve as a non-stipendiary village priest at Haliatu Saint Peter Church in Kolina Parish. Similarly, James Sohola was ordained at Longu Tina Saint John the Divine Church in West Longu Parish. These ordinations mark a significant strengthening of pastoral leadership within the diocese.

Bishop Right Rev. Benedict Loe’s messages were conveyed through diocesan office bearers and programme coordinators, who provided updates from the Mothers’ Union, Youths, Evangelism, and Intentional Discipleship. These efforts were supported by the Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship office and acting Youth Coordinator, Father Stephen Zaku. The tour also included contributions from the religious communities of the Melanesian Brotherhood, Sisters of Melanesia, Sisters of the Church, and Brothers of the Society of Saint Francis.
Updates were also shared from the Companions of the Melanesian Brotherhood, the Hugo Gorovaka Ministerial School, and the Solomon Islands Medical Mission led by Fr. Peter Richman. The ceremonial handing over of the Diocese Manual (Canon) aimed to strengthen parish committees and clergy in administrative duties, aligning with the diocese’s vision and the broader mission of the Anglican Church of Melanesia.
Bishop Loe emphasized the importance of unity and true worship, urging parishioners to live as Christ’s salt and light in the world. He called for a renewed reverence for church traditions, liturgies, and gestures of worship. Mission Secretary Fr. Chris Sam further highlighted the significance of the gestures and attires in liturgical services to the Melanesian Guild Servers and catechists.
In his final exhortation, Bishop Loe encouraged the faithful to remain steadfast within the Church despite challenges, quoting Ephesians 4:11-13 and Hebrews 10:24-25: “Do not leave the Church, but live within its fellowship.” This powerful message, followed by his benediction, concluded the tour with a renewed call to faith and service.
Through this Episcopal tour, the Diocese of Guadalcanal has strengthened its communities, reaffirmed its mission, and inspired its members to embody the call to be ‘salt and light’ in a world yearning for spiritual guidance.

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