In response to rising concerns regarding operational costs and the suitability of the MV. Southern Cross 10, the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) Management Board agreed in September 2024 to conduct a comprehensive review of the vessel.
A dedicated team was formed to assess the Southern Cross and present their findings. Their report was completed and subsequently endorsed by both the ACOM Shipping Company Ltd Board on 1st November 2024, and the ACOM Management Board on 21st November 2024. The review concluded that the current Southern Cross does not meet key criteria to support the mission of ACOM. These include:
Its operational costs are higher than initial projections and more than ACOM can sustain.
The technical sophistication of the vessel is significant and this is impacting on cost of parts, and technical resources for both short term and long-term maintenance of the boat.
Constraints in sourcing local senior crew that possess the necessary technical and leadership skills, which is essential for any vessel, but particularly required for Southern Cross 10.
The suggested modifications that were planned in 2025 and 2026 for the vessel will not necessarily make the ship completely fit for the mission of the Church.
As a result, ACOM has made the decision to sell the Southern Cross 10 and to source an alternative vessel that is better suited to fulfil its mission. The Southern Cross will be presented for sale at the end of February 2025, with a transfer planned to New Zealand.



  1. Reply
    Nukeria Kikiva says:

    Please send me the full details of the Ship. Southern Cross 10 with photos and the cost

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