The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) recently held a ceremony where Most Rev. Leonard Dawea handed over sewing machines to the Clergy Wives from the Diocese of Central Melanesia (DOCM). These machines are part of the Clergy Wives Sewing Project, funded by the Anglican Relief Development Fund Australia (ARDFA) and coordinated through the Melanesian Board of Mission.

During the ceremony, Most Rev. Dawea expressed gratitude for ARDFA’s support and encouraged the Clergy Wives to utilize the sewing machines to enhance their sewing skills and benefit their group. He emphasized that these machines would help the women sew clergy vestments and attire, providing an opportunity to earn income and become self-reliant. He also encouraged those with expertise to train others and invited those interested in learning to join the project.

In response, Rt Rev. Othnielson Gamutu, representing the Diocesan Missions Office, thanked the Archbishop and Project Officer Casper S. Supa for facilitating the project’s development and submission to ARDFA. He highlighted the significant role this project will play in mobilizing women, including clergy wives, Mother Union members, and young girls, for a good cause.

On behalf of the Clergy Wives, Mrs. Dora Dawea acknowledged ARDFA’s funding support, stating that they would use the sewing machines to train clergy wives and mothers, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the church’s mission and ministry.

The project aims to create substantial and long-term income-generating opportunities for DOCM Clergy Wives, produce clergy vestments and attire, and strengthen their involvement in church missions and ministries while improving socio-economic initiatives in the diocese.

The ceremony was attended by more than eight clergy wives representatives, Assistant Bishop Rt Rev. Othnielson Gamutu, ACOM Mission Secretary Rev. Nelson Bako, DOCM Diocesan Secretary Mr. Josiah Maesua, Project Coordinator Casper S. Supa, and other ACOM PHQ staff. The project was funded by ARDFA in Australia.



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