ACOM Pours In Support For Tsunami Victims In Temotu

The Anglican Church of Melanesia yesterday loaded their flag ship MV Southern Cross with foods, house hold materials, clothing, gardening tools, stationaries and other materials for the victims of the recent Tsunami that pounded and flooded the coastal villages of Nea, Bania, Manoputi, Nemba, Venga, Luova, and Malo on Santa Cruz.

The relief supplies came in from each parish, Church Ministries, Institutions, family members and individuals in and around Honiara with continuous assistance from the Provincial Head Quarter.

Accompanying the supplies are COM Climate Change Coordinator; Mr. Jasper Bonnie and Aid and Program Officer Mr. George Bogese.

Distributions of the relief supplies will be sorted upon consultation with Disaster Committee in Lata.

Church of Melanesia thanks all those who have contributed in one way or the other for considering the need of our brothers and sisters in Temotu.

Since it is part of our Lenten tradition to give to those who are in need, we must uphold in our prayers those who had lost loved ones and property and those who had been traumatised.


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