THE Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia The Most Reverend David Vunagi told the first ever Form four students at Norman Palmer School to aim higher in their academic learning.
Archbishop Vunagi, a former Principal of Selwyn College, made the statement during his visit to Norman Palmer School on Monday 23rd February for the officially opening of their academic year and the induction and commissioning of new teachers as they commence the 2015 academic year.
“It has been a concern to the church that very few students managed to get into form six (6) last year (2014).
“Only 40% of form five (5) students managed to go into form six (6) this year; Another 60% were left unplaced” Archbishop said.
“On that ground, I urged you the pioneer form four students of this school to work hard and aim to be at the top category in your form five (5) exam next year,” Archbishop Vunagi said.
Norman Palmer School enrolls forty six (46) students for its first form four this year.