Auki Care And Counseling Center

IN 2007 the Diocese of Malaita (DOM) through the Anglican Church of Melanesia Board of Mission, implemented the Safe Families project funded by Oxfam Solomon Islands.

The project is aimed at addressing Family and Sexual Violence issues (Gender Based Violence and all forms of violence against women, girls and children), which is increasing at an alarming rate in both Malaita and Temotu Provinces of Solomon Islands.

We are yet to decide on a name for the center and feel that the name should reflect the origin and purpose of the Center; that it is an Anglican, Christian, Care, Counseling, Inclusive and set up in Malaita Province etc.

It is envisaged that the center is inclusive and will provide free, professional and confidential counseling services for women and children of every denomination, belief or religious affiliation.

As a service provider, it is crucial that an inclusive and supportive environment is enhanced and made accessible to members of the community needing psycho-social support and assistance.

The initial budget for the building was SBD$89,000-00. However, we have decided to do a permanent building instead of the original leaf thatched building. We have also decided to build a kitchen facility, toilet and shower in the building as well. As a result of that alteration, we would need at least another SBD$50,000-00 for the full completion of the building and installment of water and electricity, including furniture and fittings.

Plans are being put to ensure that the center becomes self-reliant and self-supportive in the longer term. We felt it is important that we build a permanent building for its sustainability and further expansion in the future if needed.

The only other organization providing shelter and care for victims of domestic violence in Auki is the Malaita Province Women’s Resource Center.

However, the center has very limited space and can only accommodate limited number of women for at least a night or two.

Providing a caring environment for victims of abuse and sexual violence through counseling, and healing, is an important mandate and mission of the church. Such services can be seen as one way of addressing these social issues in our communities.

We can only hope and pray that by God’s grace, things will improve as we go along.

For more information about the Auki Care and Counseling Center or want to support? Please contact the Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Malaita-Anthony Maelasi on 7246165 or email;


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