Brothers Ordained Into The Office Of Diaconate

The Melanesian Brotherhood together with their companions, family members, friends and supporters on Sunday the 20th of October 2013 celebrated two very significant events in the Mission and Ministry of the Community at Tabalia, the Head Quarter of the Melanesian Brotherhoods, west of Honiara.

The two events are; the ordination of Brother Jeffrey Akoai and Brother Nelson Bako into the office of Diaconate; and the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the seven martyred Brothers of the Melanesian Brotherhood.

Reverend Ben Wate who preached during the service based his homily on the theme: Sacrificial Gift: A True Way of Service to God; said the events mark out the call for true way of service, what supposed to be the fundamental principal of Ministry of the Melanesian Brotherhood.

Amongst thousands who witnessed the day’s ceremonies are: Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Maelanga, General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Melanesia- Dr. Abraham Hauriasi, Permanent Secretary (PS) to the Ministry of Finance – Mr. Shadrack Fanega and Dr. Isom Rohorua Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development; Premier of Guadalcanal Province Hon. Steven Panga, Principal and staffs of Bishop Patteson Theological College (BPTC) and clergies from the Diocese of Central Melanesia, Diocese of Guadalcanal and other dioceses.

Bishop Michael Tavoa, a senior Lecturer at BPTC ordained Br. Jeffrey from Guadalcanal and Br. Nelson from Isabel.

Br. Jeffrey and Br. Nelson joined the community of the Melanesian Brotherhood as Novices in 2003 and later admitted into Brotherhood in 2006. In 2008, they were given opportunities to study at Chester University, United Kingdom,  and graduated with Bachelor in Theology with Honors in 2011.

Since their return, Br. Jeffrey and Br. Nelson worked as tutors at the Head Quarter of the Melanesian Brotherhood – Tabalia.

As they are now in the office of the diaconate, Br. Jeffrey and Br. Nelson will now take on additional responsibilities in assisting the chaplain of the Community.

“You two have the responsibility beyond the Brotherhood vocation” Bishop Tavoa told the two brothers  in his speech at the ceremony.

Rev. Wate sin his sermon told the brothers , “your life as a brother, now as a deacon,  must be seen within the framework of a significant gift that is holy and dedicated to him”.

“Your sacrificial gift of your life is your daily worship to God” Rev. Wate said.

“You need to take the challenge of Moses, that is to untie your sandals, the material extension of your feet to approach the burning bush where God is present and the purpose of your Ministry will be known” Rev. Wate said to the two ordained Brothers.

Likewise Bp Tavoa urged Br. Jeffrey and Br. Nelson to continue to help in bringing the community and the church forward especially in these changing times.

On behalf of the Government, Hon. Maelanga assured Br. Jeffrey and Br. Nelson and the community of the Melanesian Brotherhood of their support through its rightful Ministry.

Speaking on behalf of the two newly ordained Diacon, Br. Nelson acknowledges the Governing body of the community, the Anglican Church of Melanesia for the relationship it has sealed with Chester University that enabled them to undertake their studies.


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