Churches Urged To Go Back To The Core Of The Gospel

Participating Churches to a three day Church Consultation at the Melanesia Haus, Saint Barnabas Cathedral are urged to enter into a rethinking and renewal process that includes, Christian renewal and ecumenical renewal not only in the Solomon Islands, but to our neighboring brothers and sisters in countries like West Papuan and New Caledonia who are striving for freedom.

Mr. Aisake Casimira of the Pacific Conference of Churches Secretariat (PCC) made the statement in his presentation on the formation series on governance, social and economic development, environmental and cultural issues that will help Churches and the government rethink the future of Solomon Islands.

He says, Churches must return to the core of the Gospel and the mission mandate to make disciples of the kingdom and re-examine our vision and mission in light of our relationship with God and his values.”

“We need to re- think and make our leaders recognize not only the people of this nation but also our neighboring countries that are looking for freedom,’ the conference was told.

The statement was raised during discussions and presentations by Church leaders who raised a lot of concern about the governance, Social and economic systems and the manner in which the environment is managed in our country.

Corruption through legislations, social injustice, marginalization of the masses and lack of consultation and participation to name a few has been clearly seen in our current governance and economic system.

Archbishop of Melanesia in his opening speech to the conference said; corruption had left a paralysing impact on the ability of people to trust.

Churches are urged to stand up and speak out with one voice against and other important issues affecting the people of the nation.

Personal encounter with God and rediscovering afresh God’s love and vision for the created world will help us see with fresh eyes and minds God’s mission and what God is calling us into, Mr. Casimira said.


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