THE Community of the Sisters of Melanesia (CSM) was formed in November 1980 by Nester Tiboe and three other young women of Melanesia. The Community was formed as Nester realizes the need for young women to also go out and spread the Good News about Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The mission began on the 17th of November 1980, when the second Archbishop of Melanesia the Most Rev’d Norman Kitchener Palmer Commissioned four women who made their promises of poverty, Celibacy and Obedience to serve in the community.
The aim of the community is to offer young women in Melanesia an opportunity of training and mission, so that they may serve Christ in the church and society where they live. Not only that, but to provide pastoral care for women and teenage children and uphold the Christian principles of family life.
With the expansion of the community, they now have five households in the Diocese of Ysabel (Stella household, Alio); Diocese of Guadalcanal (Marau Missionary Household; Nester Atkin Tiboe Household, Gippol Area and Sir Ellison Pogo household) in the Diocese of Central Melanesia.
Veranaso, located some kilometers west of Honiara is the Head Quarter often called the training ground for the community and Sr. Collin Household in Banks and Torres, Vanuatu.
The supporters of the community are called the Associates.
The Most Reverend David Leonard Dawea, Archbishop of Melanesia is currently the Father of the Sisterhood.
Sister Annie Alaha from Malaita is currently the Head Sister and Assistant Head sister is Sr. …………………..
Head Sister – Sr. Annie Alaha
Phone: (677) 7391779/ 7359708
Sir Ellison Household, Honiara

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