MBH Novices Successfully Completed Literacy Classes
Thirty eight (38) Novices of the Melanesian Brotherhood at Tabalia successfully completed and marked the closing of their literacy classes on the 5th of September
CSC Opens New Conference Hall
As part of their preparations towards the coming General Chapter, The Community of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) on Thursday the 21st of August
Rt. Rev. Nathan Tome Visits Southern Districts Of Guadalcanal
THE Diocesan Bishop of Guadalcanal the Rt. Rev. Nathan Tome made his first episcopal visit to the five districts on the southern part of Guadalcanal
Sr. Kathleen Leads CSC
The COMMUNITY OF THE SISTERS OF THE CHURCH (CSC) together with their associates, supporters, family members and friends witnessed the blessing of the new Sister
Brothers Ordained Into The Office Of Diaconate
The Melanesian Brotherhood together with their companions, family members, friends and supporters on Sunday the 20th of October 2013 celebrated two very significant events in
Inauguration Of The Diocese Of Guadalcanal & Installation Of The Right Rev. Nathan Tome As The First Diocesan Bishop Of Guadalcanal
The 23rd day of June 2013 is now a historical day for the Anglican Community in the Province of Melanesia but more particularly it is