The Diocese of Guadalcanal recently extended a warm welcome to the MV Southern Cross, ahead of Bishop Benedict Loe’s Episcopal tour aboard the historic vessel.
In a traditional ceremony held before they depart Point Cruz Wharf Wate Jetty, Bishop Loe presented a Malona (six-string shell money) to Captain Charlie, Master of the Southern Cross.
This gesture, known as Tatalonga, signifies the official welcome of the people of the Diocese to the ship and the Gospel it carries to their shores.
The Anglican Church of Melanesia has long considered the MV Southern Cross a “Floating Church,” playing a role in bringing Christianity to the Solomon Islands. Bishop Loe’s tour aboard the vessel echoes this rich history, allowing him to connect with communities across the Diocese.

As Bishop Loe embarks on his tour, parishes along the coastlines too hold welcome ceremonies for the MV Southern Cross. This outpouring of hospitality reflects the deep respect these communities hold for the ship’s historical significance.

In Longu Tina Village, located within the East Longu Parish, a heartfelt Tatalonga was also presented by the Chief, Elders, and parish church leaders to the Master of the Floating Church that was Witnessed by the Bishop and his delegation.
This ceremony held special meaning as it acknowledged the “first voyage” of the tenth Southern Cross, carrying on the legacy of faith across generations.
Bishop Loe’s tour promises to be a time of spiritual renewal and connection for the Diocese of Guadalcanal.
The MV Southern Cross, with its symbolic weight, serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of the Gospel in the Solomon Islands.


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