DOCS Male Advocacy Workshop Successful

THE Diocese of Central Solomon (DOCS) has successfully completed a three day workshop on Male Advocacy at the Diocesan Head Quarter from 5th to the 9th May 2014.

The workshop was facilitated by the Project coordinator Mrs. Judith Siota.

FOURTY (40) clergy men, catechist, Parish chairs, chiefs, youth workers a Police officer and a nurse officer attended the workshop.

The major objectives of the program are to: Involve men in community awareness activities regarding violence against women and children; to consider men’s point of view in order to make half of the population responsible for a process of culturally sensitive change and oriented towards a zero tolerance of violence against women and children; to make aware that there are laws in place that address Violence against Women and to raise awareness on international Conventions and Policies of Solomon Islands and the Anglican Church of Melanesia.

Plenary and interactive discussions and group presentations are amongst other activities that were carried out during each session.

The workshop was just an eye opener for many participants who have been in doubt with the policies and penalties perpetrators would face. Not only that, but how parents especially father should behave and treat children and mother at home.

The program would come to an end after its final workshop that is schedule to be held earlier next Month in Rennel and Bellona.

The Program was funded by the European Union under the name: “Man wea waka for man stopem violens”.

The program was initiated as the Church and the European Union begun to realize the need to help men who will then help other men to fight against violence in our country.


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