The Diocese of Malaita (DOM) has recently launched its first newsletter called the ‘The Diocese of Malaita Newsletter’.
The Quarterly bulletin contains news and information about the diocese.
“The Diocese of Malaita has recognized opportunity afforded by the modern communications technology and has now decided to take advantage of this, and so is launching the first issue of the Diocese of Malaita News Letter”, The Diocesan Secretary, Mr. Phillip Akote’e said in his forward their first publication.
“It is important that the Gospel message is communicated out for salvation, healing and deliverance to this sick world”, he said.
“The Diocese of Malaita has recognized her responsibility to disseminate information all the time to her members throughout the six regions, four institutions, fifty Parishes, church ministries, Religious Communities and the so many vestries and Anglican communities”, Mr. Akote’e explained.
He also said that when the people know about what the Diocese is doing for them they will be encourage to move out in mission and to help themselves.
“It is important that the people are made clear about visions, goals and strategic plans, particularly the current DOM Vision 2020 Six Priorities and its implementation process”, Mr. Akote’e stated.
“The Diocese also feels responsible to the ACOM Provincial Authorities for the accountability of resources. ACOM would want to know what the Diocese is doing with its annual budget allocations and the mission growth of the Diocese. Rightfully, the Diocese also feels accountable to her Development Partners overseas, the Government, NGOs and other Local Stakeholders. These stakeholders would want to know the development or mission focus of the Diocese and how she is fairing in terms of its development mission fields. We hope this Newsletter will be informative and this establishment strengthened further”, Mr. Akote’e said.
The 10 pages Newsletter is produced by the Mission Office of the Diocese of Malaita with support from the Communications Office of the Anglican Church of Melanesia.
DOM is the first Diocese amongst the nine dioceses and other institutions within the Anglican Church of Melanesia to produce their own Newsletter.
ACOM Communications Office is encouraging all dioceses, institutions and schools to produce similar Newsletter that will Inform, Educate and Communicate with church members and the general public of their latest happenings. The newsletter can be accessed on line on the Diocese of Malaita page of the ACOM website.