Education Is More Than Passing Exam: Mrs. Christina Vunagi

The Principal of St. Nicholas College Mrs. Christina Vunagi reminded her graduating students and the whole student body of the college that ‘Education is more than passing exams’.
In her speech to the four hundred and fifty (450) graduates and the students of the college, Mrs. Vunagi emphasize that education is also about learning to live an useful life.
“Its about cleaning toilets, sweeping the class, brushing, digging, weeding, it is learning to respect the rights of others, learning to think and make right decisions, sharpening skills or applying them in day to day living to sustain lives and that requires a lot of commitment,” she said.
“When you leave the formal learning system, there are no more exams to pass but there is the world that requires you to survive and make a living,” Mrs. Vunagi highlighted.
The Principal also acknowledge the teachers of St. Nicholas College for going the extra miles to build and mold the students.
The School Principal also thank the school partners – Ministry of Education and Human Development for allowing officers from the curriculum Department to assist St. Nicholas teachers on the outcome based curriculum in April, and the Honiara city Council through the Rapid Employment scheme.


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