General Secretary Visits DOY Institutions

The General Secretary, Abraham Hauriasi, and the Lands and Property officer, Mr. Simon Naotoro, paid a visit to the Diocesan head Quarters of the Diocese of Ysabel and some its institutions from 25th to 27th August.

On Monday 25th, the officers visited the Mano Wadrokal School of Theology and Ministry purposely to discuss with staff and students regarding the current review of the Schools of Theology and Ministry within the Church. An open forum was organized at the STM community Hall where both staff and students openly shared their experiences and views regarding the decentralization of theological training by the Church and the challenges they are facing. Earlier on the day, the officers also held similar discussions with the diocesan bishop and staff at the diocesan headquarters.

On Tuesday 26 August, the officers together with the diocesan bishop, Rt. Reverend Richard Naramana visited the Bp. Naramana Vocation Training Centre at Garanga, which currently enrolls more than 160 students, both young boys and girls.  The delegation was warmly welcomed by the students and staff at the centre. In his brief remarks to the students, Bp. Naramana again stressed the vision of the diocese to develop and upgrade the Centre into a technical Institute. This will of course require upgrading of the staff so they are appropriately qualified and equipped with the necessary skills. More importantly, the centre will need to build necessary infrastructure including workshops for carpentry and motor mechanic courses.

In his brief address to the students, the General Secretary urged the students to consider the qualifications and skills they are getting at the centre as just as equally valuable as those which one can get from the more academic institutions. He encouraged the students to make the most of their time at the centre so they do not disappoint their parents, families and communities who have a lot of expectations of them.

A visit to some of the school’s facilities and from discussions with the teaching staff, it is evident the centre desperately needs more classroom, in particular workshops to house the carpentry and motor mechanic courses.  The two courses normally attract the highest enrolments but students were having to study in very cramped classrooms. There was a critical need for appropriate tools for both courses and other necessary teaching equipment.


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