Graduation Ceremony at Hugo Gorovaka MTC Celebrates Progress by Faith for Success

The Hugo Gorovaka Ministerial Training Centre (HGMTC), owned and run by the Diocese of Guadalcanal near Selwyn College in West Guadalcanal held its second graduation ceremony yesterday morning (Tuesday 12th December).

Twelve students graduated with Associate Certificates in Theology and nine were awarded Certificates in Theology.

The ceremony was organized under the theme “Progress by Faith for Success,” serving as a powerful reminder for the students to maintain their trust in God and themselves to conquer future challenges.

The guest speaker for the occasion, Fr James, Principal of Bishop Patteson Theological College Kohimarama, delivered a motivating speech, emphasizing the significance of faith in both their spiritual and personal journeys. Addressing the young graduates, he reminded them that being Christians means placing unwavering faith in God in every aspect of their lives. He encouraged them to foster a strong belief in themselves, as this self-confidence would enable them to overcome the hurdles they will inevitably face in their future endeavors.

Fr James’s speech resonated deeply with the graduates, who had undergone rigorous Theological training during their time at Hugo Gorovaka MTC. The institute has a reputation for imparting Associate Certificates (one year) and Certificates (two years) in Theology programs and knowledge to empower young individuals, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and lead successful lives.

The ceremony commenced with a colorful procession, where the graduates donned their academic regalia, symbolizing their achievements. Friends, families, and well-wishers were in attendance, eager to witness the momentous occasion and celebrate the graduates’ accomplishments.

During the graduation ceremony, the students were awarded Associate certificates in Theology and Certificates in Theology programs recognizing their successful completion of various courses offered by Hugo Gorovaka MTC. The certificates symbolized the dedication and perseverance each student had exhibited throughout their studies.

The joy and pride evident on the faces of the graduands were only amplified by the influential words of Fr James, who highlighted the significance of faith not just as a spiritual aspect, but also as a driving force for personal growth and success. His words resonated strongly, reminding the students that their faith in God and themselves would continue to guide them toward future triumphs.

The Rt Reverend Benedict Loe, Bishop of the Diocese of Guadalcanal in his charge congratulated the students and reminded them of the importance of their award at Hugo Gorovaka MTC.

‘To those of you who have graduated with Certificates of Theology, you are expected to return to your parishes, and local churches to start putting into practice what you have leant here. You are encouraged to show the content of your qualification in all aspects of yourself – in thought, word, and deed. Depending on your output, I am expecting that your parishes might recommend you for Village Priests, but this too will be determined by a close assessment of your behavior and character. Take note, that I am opposed to clergy who have problems with alcohol and abuse. So if you are an alcoholic, or drunkard, you better forget about ordination’, the Diocesan Bishop said.

The graduation ceremony concluded with heartfelt speakers who expressed their gratitude towards the faculty, their families, and the entire community for their unwavering support throughout their educational journey.

The second graduation of Hugo Gorovaka MTC near Selwyn College in West Guadalcanal demonstrated the fruits of faith and hard work. The ceremony served as a beacon of hope for the graduates, as they embark on the next chapter of their lives, equipped with not only academic achievement but also the belief in themselves and their faith in God to overcome any challenges that lie ahead.

HGMTC owned and run by the diocese is a Ministerial Training Centre located next to Selwyn College in west Guadalcanal, that aims to empower the laity to participate collaboratively with the clergy in Mission and Ministry, so that they too become ministers of the word; not only to be fed and filled by the ordained, but also to assist the ordained to feed and fill.

The Centre offers a one-year program for Associate Certificate, and a second year for Certificate of Theology and Ministerial Studies, affiliated to Bishop Patteson Theological College Kohimarama, which is accredited by the South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS).



  1. Reply
    telkom university says:

    waw this grudation btw,What role did Fr James, the guest speaker, play in addressing the graduates, and what were the key messages he conveyed during the ceremony? regard Telkom University

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