Kolaero Now Lights Up With Solar

ANGLICAN owned Rural Training Center – Kolaero, in Hograno district in the Diocese of Ysabel (DOY) is now fully light up with solar.

Following its year planned activities, ACoM Solar Project Officer Mr. Holland Sikou installed 400 watts Solar system with 2,400 watts Inverter for the school’s classrooms and administration department and three (3) other thirty (30) watts for three (3) dormitories.

This is a big development and an achievement in the history of the School.

School Principal Mr. Oliver Manepitu said, “Since the establishment of the center, light was our very big problem. Classrooms and dormitories do not have power lights. With this latest development in lights, our students and teachers will now be able to do extra work at night”.

The Principal acknowledges the Church through Solar Project for solving their long time need.

Kolaero RTC was once a life skills training schools for girls but now taking in boys after the school introduced Marine Engineering course.

ACoM Solar Project Officer Mr. Holland Sikou, also carried out Solar Maintenance training, Solar Advance training for rural solar technicians and Monitoring ACoM solar agents in the school and nearby communities.

Since the roll of the project, more than 1,000 women, men and youths including five (5) with physical disability attended the solar trainings and awareness in the Diocese of Central Solomons, Diocese of Hanuato’o, Diocese of Ysabel and Diocese of Malaita.

The project is funded by Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA) and is implemented by the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) Solar project.

Ninety nine (99) set kits that includes – (30 watts panel, 10 amp regulator or controller, 1 × 26 AH battery, 4 LED Fluorescent lamp, 1 security light and complete set of cables ) per kit are currently available at the ACoM Solar project office for sale. Contact Mr. Holland at mobile 7613423 or email acomsolar@gmail.com for more enquires.


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