In a beautiful celebration marking the 100-year centenary of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in the Diocese of Malaita, outgoing President Mrs. Catherine Lamani delivered a rich history of the organization. Held at Christ the King Cathedral, Fiu Village, the event saw over 3,000 women from various dioceses and regions gather to commemorate this milestone. Attendees included members from the Diocese of Central Melanesia (DOCM), Diocese of Central Solomons (DOCS), Diocese of Guadalcanal (DOG), Diocese of Hanuato (DOH), Diocese of Ysabel (DOY), Bishop Patteson Theological College Kohimarama (BPTC), and the Provincial MU office in Honiara. Representatives from Australia and New Zealand were also present, enriching the celebration with their participation.

The opening and welcome service on Friday, 28th June in the evening set the tone for the three-day event, where Mrs. Lamani, a key figure in organizing the celebration, shared the history of the MU in Malaita. She highlighted the vision and dedication of Mrs. Gwendoline Mason, a European woman who founded the MU at Fiu in 1924.

“Gwendoline’s vision and dedication have left a lasting legacy, and so this celebration is not just a reflection of 100 years of service but also a tribute to the pioneering spirit of Gwendoline Mason and the countless women who followed in her footsteps, continuing the work she began,” Mrs. Lamani stated.

The theme of the Centenary celebration, “Serving God with a pure heart, moving from strength to strength,” encapsulated the journey and mission of the MU over the past century. Mrs. Lamani emphasized the importance of this celebration, which reflects on 100 years of service, challenges, and growth.

Today, the MU in the Diocese of Malaita boasts around 5,000 members and remains a vibrant and active organization. It continues to uphold the values and mission established by its founders, adapting to the changing needs of society while maintaining its core focus on family support, community development, and spiritual growth.

“The history of the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Malaita is a testament to the power of faith, community, and the enduring impact of dedicated individuals like Gwendoline,” Mrs. Lamani said. “Her efforts have not only transformed the lives of countless women and families but have also strengthened the fabric of the church and community in Malaita.”

Mrs. Lamani encouraged more young girls and women to join the MU and the Girls Friendly Society (GFS), a young women’s organization operating under the MU that offers programs suitable for young girls, fostering their growth and development within the community.

MU focuses on Family Life as its basic foundation for teaching and organizes programs based on this principle, including the Literacy Program and Positive Parenting Program. At the Parish level, the MU conducts programs such as life skills training, Bible studies, and home visits. It also coordinates various departments within its structure, including Action & Outreach, which addresses social issues like domestic violence, human trafficking, and disaster response, as well as hospital and prison programs.

The three-day celebration was filled with joy and laughter, as women shared historical dramas depicting the establishment of the MU in Malaita, put on entertainments, and learned from each other. The event concluded with a Holy Eucharist service, feasting, speeches, gift presentations, and various entertainments, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

As the Diocese of Malaita celebrates this remarkable centenary, the legacy of the Mothers’ Union stands as a beacon of faith, community service, and the enduring impact of visionary leaders like Gwendoline Mason and Mrs. Catherine Lamani. The future looks bright as the MU continues to grow from strength to strength, serving God with pure hearts and inspiring generations to come.


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