THE Mothers Union (MU) is the largest Anglican women’s organization in the world. Its history begins with its Founders, Mary Elizabeth Hey wood who was born on 31st December 1828.
In the Province of Melanesia, Mothers Union first started in 1919 in Ysabel by a Missionary wife, Mrs. Emily Sprott with the first 16 members and later in Malaita by Mrs. Gwendolyn Mason with the first members were admitted at Fiu. Later in 1938, the Mothers Union spread to Vanuatu by Mrs. Joyce Butu and Ms. Nellie Furgen on Pentecost Island (Raga).
The Mothers Union is spread out over the 9 dioceses with its headquarters in Honiara, Solomon Islands. It’s tri-annual General Meeting is held every three years and at least an annual meeting of the Provincial Council is held when funds permit. The Executive is responsible for the daily operation of the organization at the provincial level. Likewise, the dioceses have similar structures of operation. At the village level, the structure becomes informal.
The Mothers Union continued to grow in both countries to now with a membership of around 17,000 in the nine dioceses, according to the Provincial Mothers Union (PMU) office.
Each diocesan Mothers Union has its own office with the President, and the Diocesan Executive, the Council comprises of Regional Leaders, Parish Leaders and Village Leaders.
The Mothers Union is focusing on Family Life as its basic foundation for teaching and is organizing programs that are based on it. It also coordinates programs such as the Literacy Program which is currently funded by the Ecumenical Resource and Development (ERD), the Solar Project funded by the Australian Overseas Aid (AOA) and the Positive Parenting Program funded by various donor partners and the Provincial Mothers Union.
The Mothers Union has programs facilitated at the parish level to cater for members at the parish level. These programs are on life skills, Bible studies, and home visits.
The Mothers Union has other departments working within its structure such as the Action & Outreach which is responsible for areas in social issues, domestic violence, human trafficking, response to natural disaster calls, hospital and prison programs.
Literature Department is involved in publication of booklets, pamphlets, MU materials and other productions that involved information for members and families.
Girls Friendly Society is a young women’s organization which is currently operating under the Mothers Union and it encompasses programs suitable for young girls.
The Provincial Mothers Union Office is located at the bottom floor of St. Agnes Rest House opposite the old Quality Inn Motel.
The President now is Mrs. Sandra Rollands, elected at the MU great conference at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK) ON THE 23rd August 2024.
Mrs. Sandra Rollands
Telephone: +677 20572
Mobile: +677 7792548
Email Provincial Mothers Union Office:
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