Mrs. Delilah Lamani is the new President of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in the Diocese of Malaita (DOM), Anglican Church of Melanesia.

She was elected on 26th of June at Fiu village during the DOM MU 17th Conference prior to their Centenary celebration from 28th – 30th June.

In her closing speech at the closure of the DOM MU Centenary celebrations at Fiu on Sunday 30th June, Mrs. Delilah a dedicated member of the organization expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all DOM MU members for entrusting her with this important responsibility.

“I am deeply honored and humbled by the trust that has been bestowed upon me to lead the mission and ministry of the MU in this Diocese,” said President Delilah in her speech. “I am committed to upholding the values of the organization and working tirelessly to further its noble cause.”

She also emphasized the importance of breaking down barriers and building bridges within the community. “As we move forward, let us commit ourselves to the work of breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding and compassion,” she declared. “Together, we can achieve great things and make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.” She expressed her faith that with God’s guidance, the MU will continue to thrive and serve its mission with dedication and love.

The new President also took a moment to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and commitment of the outgoing President, Mrs. Catherine Lamani, whose tenure left a remarkable benchmark in the history of MU within the Diocese. She praised her exemplary leadership and expressed her intention to build upon the foundation laid by her predecessor.

The Cenemony was attended by a multitude of MU members who gathered for their 17th Conference and Centenary celebration.

President Delilah extended her gratitude to all the MU members, supporters, Fiu Community, the visiting MU representatives from all dioceses and overseas for their unwavering support, prayers, and participation in this historical event.




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