Five Admitted Into Sisterhood At Veranaso
THE Community of the Sisters of Melanesia (CSM) celebrated the admission of five (5) Novices into the Sisterhood on the PENTECOSTAL Sunday at Veranaso, east
Students Watched As Dormitory Turned Into Ashes
STAFF and students at Navele Junior Secondary School situated in Santo, Vanuatu were shocked to see a boy’s dormitory turned into ashes within less than
ACOM Consultation With Mission Partners Hailed A Success
Provincial Mothers Union President Mrs. Edit Koete and colleague (right) discuss with overseas Mission Partners. ACOM Media THE Anglican Church of Melanesia held a successful
Churches Urged To Go Back To The Core Of The Gospel
Participating Churches to a three day Church Consultation at the Melanesia Haus, Saint Barnabas Cathedral are urged to enter into a rethinking and renewal process
PCC And The SICA Churches Hold Consultation
CHURCH leaders, women leaders and youth leaders of Solomon Islands Christian Association (SICA) and Solomon Islands Full Gospel Association (SIFGA) that includes the member churches

Kolaero Now Lights Up With Solar
ANGLICAN owned Rural Training Center – Kolaero, in Hograno district in the Diocese of Ysabel (DOY) is now fully light up with solar. Following its
Sr. Doreen: “Domestic Violence Still On The Rise”
“Some homes are no longer safe for women, young girls and Children”. This is a sad state of affairs reflected in the statement echoed by
Two successfully Completed Anglican Alliance Program
OUT of the eleven (11) candidates In Solomon Islands who enrolled in the Anglican Alliance’s biggest capacity building program, Agents of Change, two (2) participants
Bishop Ligo: “What Is The Role Of The Church Today”
SEARCHING the role of the church today was one on the key question highlighted by the Diocesan Bishop of Vanuatu and New Caledonia (DOVNC) the
ACOM Climate Change conduct Climate Change Policy Consultation
THE Anglican Church of Melanesia through its Melanesia Board of Mission is conducting a climate change policy consultation. This initiative is supported by Episcopal Relief