ACOM Women In The Front Line Workshop
THE women in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) are no strangers to peacemaking, be it at home in their own families, in their communities

Auki Care And Counseling Center
IN 2007 the Diocese of Malaita (DOM) through the Anglican Church of Melanesia Board of Mission, implemented the Safe Families project funded by Oxfam Solomon

We Are Praying For You: Archbishop Takeli
The Most Reverend George Takeli reminded Police officers at the Tulagi Police station, in the Central Islands Province of Solomon Islands that they are not

ACOM to consecrate new Bishop for Diocese of Vanuatu and New Caledonia
A team from the ACOM Provincial Headquarters and representatives from the seven Dioceses here in Solomon Islands will depart to Vanuatu on Thursday to officiate
DOCM Holds Two Weeks Pastoral Counseling Training
MORE than thirty participants comprising clergy from the Diocese of Central Melanesia and Diocese of Guadalcanal, including those serving at the ACoM Provincial Head Office,

ACoM And Stakeholders Commemorate Sea Sunday
JOINING the other Mission to Seafarers Centers around the world, the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) Mission to Seafarers office, together with the Solomon Islands
Pioneer Novices At David Sale Section Headquarter
EIGHT Novices (pictured) were the pioneers of the David Sale Section Headquarters in the Diocese of Guadalcanal. They were admitted on 25th April by the
Tasimboko Ikombu District Youths Held Successful Rally After Longtime
MORE than fifty youth members from Tasimboko Ikombu District in the Diocese of Guadalcanal attended a week long rally held at the Society of Saint
Saint James Church Commemorate Patrons Day
St. JAMES Church in Burns Creek, a satellite church of Vura Transfiguration Parish commemorated their patron’s day, Saint James on Sunday. The Holy Eucharist service

MMUK Assist ACOM Schools On How To Run Christian Schools
Twenty-two teachers from the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) run schools had undergone three-day workshop held at ACOM Provincial Headquarters Conference room from Monday 30th