Partnership In Running Schools Vital: Dr. Franco Rodie

THE Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education, Human Resources and Development Dr. Franco Rodie said partnership in running schools is vital.

Dr. Franco made the statement at St. Nicholas College graduation day on the 17th October 2014.

“As a young developing nation, we should strive to create partnership between schools and other community organizations and agencies in helping to create support systems that enable children and youth to learn and succeed and help families and communities to prosper. These partnerships bring together divers individuals and groups, including principals, head teachers, teachers, school boards, community based organizations, youth development organizations, health and human services agencies, partners and community leaders to expand opportunities for children, families and communities,” Dr. Franco said.

“The churches in our country have a critical role to play in the education of student. Through their education authorities churches have continued to embrace and provide opportunity to teach; a program of religious education as an integral part of the total curriculum; provide opportunities for young people to develop their spiritual nature including; participation in meaningful and relevant Christian worship; promoting within the whole school community ways to express the principles and values of Christianity in the decision making processes, policies and structures of the school and promoting tolerance and understanding of the religious beliefs and practices of others in the international community.

Churches in partnership with our schools can influence both the spiritual and social development of young people,” he concluded.


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