Reverend Peter Rickman first visited Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK) and the Mother Emily school in 2017 and like many visitors to this special “Hill of Prayer”, felt at home there straight away.

Over the years he has made many visits to see Sister Veronica, the amazing sister and especially the wonderful school that Brother Samson and Sister Neslyn operate.

For the past four years Rev. Peter’s school in New Zealand, St Paul’s Collegiate School, having been inspired by the story of the Mother Emily School, have had many fundraising events to support the education of these children.

Over the years they have sent proceeds from various fundraising events to Sister Veronica to be used at the Mother Emily School for food supplies and other various activities for the children. In recent months, fundraising has been provided for the provision of classroom tables and chairs in 3 classrooms for the new school building that Sister Veronica arranged for the Mother Emily School.

Rev. Peter Rickman with the students and staff of St Paul’s Collegiate School in Hamilton New Zealand are very pleased and proud to have been able to support the special school at TNK.

Rev. Peter says “We particularly appreciate the work of Father Stephen Zaku who has worked so hard with his amazing team of craftsman and builders to produce tables and chairs of such good quality which will be put to very good use by Brother Samson, Sister Neslyn the staff and students at the Mother Emily School”.

This is a very special school in the heart of a very special community.

Mother Emily Kindergarten is a school established by the Community of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) at TNK serving the unfortunate children who  lived with their parents in the coconut plantation around TNK and who are not able to walk distance to nearby formal school. Today,  the school served more than 20 children at around the age of 4 to 8.

“May its work and ministry flourish in the years to come and may the children there all benefit from these new tables and chairs for their education and learning.” Rev. Peter stated.




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