Positive Parenting Ready To Roll In Ysabel

A team from the Provincial Mothers Union (PMU) Office in Honiara carried out a capacity building on Positive Parenting and Leadership Workshop to the Diocese of Ysabel (DOY) from the 10th to the 21st March 2014 at the Diocesan Headquarter.

The team was made up of the PMU President Mrs. Edith Koete, Positive Parenting Coordinator Mrs. Mary Vunagi, ACOMBM staff Rebecca and others from the PMU Office.

The capacity development workshop is part of the PMU Office strategy in helping the dioceses Mothers Union office to remain solid in their work and be able to be updated with new knowledge and skills in their specific areas of work.

Eighteen (18) participants including three clergy men from the dioceses attended Positive Parenting Workshop and Twenty (20) MU participants made up of all regional leaders, Secretaries and Treasurers attended the leadership training.

According to the Provincial Mothers Union President, Mrs. Edith Koete, the two workshops had very positive outcome.

“The Positive Parenting participants are looking forward to go out and began the awareness talks”, Mrs. Edith said.

Mrs. Edith said; it is always encouraging to see men attending such program. This shows that men do support the MU.

Meanwhile, she encouraged men and young people to join the Positive Parenting program when coming down to your regions or parishes.

Positive parenting program helps parents to know more about their relationships with children.

Newly graduated Facilitators on Positive Parenting program is hoping to roll out the program straight after they completed awareness talks around the diocese.

Apart from the workshop, the PMU team had time to visit Mano Wadrokal school of Theology and Garanga Rural Trainig Centre where they were also given honor to talk about the work of the Mothers Union and the importance of Positive Parenting program and Girls Friendly Society taken onboard by PMU office.


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