Responding To The Cyclone Pam Victims

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF MELANESIA (ACOM) as many other organizations did; also responded to the victims of the recent cyclone Pam that hit hard parts of the Dioceses of Temotu (DOT) and Vanuatu mid March this year.

According to Vanuatu daily post newspaper, “The UN in Vanuatu says 24 people have died and 3,300 are displaced in Vanuatu”.

Through its provincial disaster committee along with the diocesan disaster committee of Temotu and Vanuatu, ACOM loaded its flag ship MV Southern Cross with disaster relief supplies bound for Temotu from 15th to 22nd April 2015 and later on to Vanuatu on May.

In Temotu, the ship was sent out with 4 tonnes of Rice, 200 CTNS of Noodles, and 100 CTNS of Taiyo, 100 Tents and other bags and cartoons of mixed goods containing clothes, kitchen utensils, and other local materials building materials.

The distribution was made by a Disaster team and other members from the diocese of Temotu and personels from World Vision Solomon Islands based in Temotu. Accompanying the team is the Diocesan Bishop of Temotu, the Rt. Rev. George Takeli.

Their visit began on the island of Nupani, then on to Nukapu, Nifloli, Reef Islands, Duff Islands, Anuta, Tikopia, Vanikoro and finally in Utupua.

The priests, chiefs and elders in the visited islands and communities acknowledge the Bishop and his team for visiting them in times of difficulties.

“We were blessed by your surprise visit because communication is not on our side; however, your presence here today truly encourages us,” one prominent elder in the island of Anuta said.

Anuta is mostly the devastated island left by cyclone Pam in Solomon Islands.

Mr. HotoravuAlenge from the National Disaster Management Office also confirmed that Anuta is badly damaged and should be the priority focus to those who would like to throw in rehabilitation support to the cyclone victims in Temotu.

There are around seventy one households in Anuta and a population of about 243 according to NDMO report.

On the other hand, a disaster team from the ACOM office Vanuatu onboard MV Southern Cross also visited some parts of the affected areas in Vanuatu.

It was also reported in Vanuatu Daily Post Newspaper the Anglican Church of Melanesia through its head office in Vanuatu donated Vt1 million cheque to help the National Disaster Management Office in Port Vila in its continuing relief effort after Cyclone Pam.

Deputy General Secretary Anglican Church of Vanuatu, JosesTogase says the church recognises the suffering caused by the category 5 cyclone, which tore through the islands on March 13, causing extensive devastation in Efate and its offshore islands of Tongoa and the Shepherds, and Tanna and Erromango in Tafea Province.

“We as a church recognise the magnitude of the disaster and assure the Government that we also have our obligation to make a small contribution directly to the Government through NDMO,” he said during the handing over.

This is part of the VT 300,000 assistant given to ACOM Vanuatu to support the cyclone victims in vanuatu.

Foods, clothings and many more were also distributed on the affected areas.

The Diocesan Bishops in Vanuatu, the Rt. Rev. Patteson Worek of DOBT and the Rt. Rev. James Ligo of DOVNC also carry out pastoral visits on the islands.

The Anglican Church of Melanesia would like to thank its mission partners, aid donors, organizations, business houses, families and individuals who have rendered support in one way or the other towards our appeal in aid of those affected by recent cyclone Pam both in parts of Temotu and Vanuatu.


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