There are three different paths, or ‘Orders’ within the Society, paths which were founded by Francis himself in the thirteenth century, although our particular expression of the Franciscan life within the Anglican Communion goes back only to the early twentieth century.
The First Order consists of brothers (Society of St Francis – SSF) and sisters (Community of St Francis – CSF) who make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, live together in community, pray together, and undertake active work of many kinds. There are SSF brothers in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, South Korea, the UK, and the USA; and CSF sisters in the UK, the USA, and South Korea.
The Second Order (Community of St Clare – OSC) consists of sisters who make the same vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and live together in community, but whose work is focussed on prayer and contemplation, and on work within the convent. OSC sisters live in Oxfordshire, England.
The Third Order consists of women and men who commit themselves to live out their Franciscan vocation in the world. Their profession vow is fleshed out in an individual Rule of Life, to which they make an annual commitment. They live in their own homes, may be married or single, and continue to support themselves financially, while meeting regularly for mutual support in local groups.
In the Province of Melanesia, Society of Saint Francis (SSF) was established in year 1970 by: Br. Daniel, Br. Michael Davis, Br. Allan Banabas, Br. Kabay and Br. Gerard. Saint Agnes rest house was first used as their headquarter.
Today, the society has reached out to other dioceses within the Province.
The Brothers share common life of prayer, fraternity and a commitment to issues of justice, peace and the accommodation for short-term guest. They also engaged in a variety of ministries, chaplaincies caring, counseling.
Becoming a Brother in the society; one has to undergo three (3) years as Novice and another three (3) years in simple profession. After that, one can apply for life vow that has to be approved by a chapter.
Rt. Rev. Alfred Karibongi is currently the Bishop Protector of the Society.
The training house of the society is in Hautabu; often called La Verna Friary/Little Portion situated West of Guadalcanal.
Should you wish to know more about or suport the society, do contact:
Br. Worek
Patteson House
P O Box 519
Telephone (677) 22386
Tel & Fax: (677) 25810
Information provided by: SSF OFFICE, Patteson House, Honiara

Six SSF Brothers Admitted
THE 14th day of May will not only be remembered as the feast of the Ascension of our Lord which was celebrated by Christians through