St. Nicholas Assist Guale Victims

St. Nicholas school hands over donations to the Diocese of Guadalcanal ACoM Media

An Anglican Church of Melanesia owned St. Nicholas School is one amongst others that have responded to the victims of Guadalcanal from the recent flood disaster. The assistance was channeled through the Diocese of Guadalcanal.

On Tuesday the 29th of April, the Principal, staff and students (Kindy, Primary and Secondary) of the school made a formal handing over of house hold utensils (10 CTNs), women, men and children clothing (24 bags) and food items (52 – 10Kg bags of rice and 17 CTNs of taiyo and few other mix goods).

Deputy Principal Mr. James Lengi in handing over the donation said, “the school decides to make its donation to the victims of Guadalcanal because the school has heard that most donations have been made to victims in Honiara”.

“The children are happy to donate what little they have to their friends and families in the Guadalcanal plains,” Mr. James said.

“We hope that the children and families an the other end will be happy with our little assistance,” he concluded.

On receiving the school donation on behalf of the Diocese of Guadalcanal, the Diocesan Mission Secretary, Fr. Francis Lauvatu commended the Principal, Staff and children of the school for their kind donation to the needy people of the Guadalcanal plains.

“To receive donation from a child as little as 3 years of age is really moving” Fr. Lauvatu said.

He said, the Diocesan distribution committee will ensure these donations will go down straight to the victims.

School Principal Mrs. Christina Vunagi said, the appeal for assistance was made successful through donations in cash and kinds brought forward by children from Kindy, Primary, Secondary and the school Administration.

“The school made an appeal to all students and they have responded positively”, she said.

The school would like to thank all parents, guardians and relatives for supporting the children in making the donation successful.


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