Tasimboko Ikombu District Youths Held Successful Rally After Longtime

MORE than fifty youth members from Tasimboko Ikombu District in the Diocese of Guadalcanal attended a week long rally held at the Society of Saint Francis Friary, Vuru west Guadalcanal.

The Youth rally began on Sunday 4th July with a colorful opening ceremony.

The Vicar General of the Diocese of Guadalcanal Rev. Chris Samu in opening the Youth Rally said that this first District Youth Rally should boost the moral and integrity of Young people in the Communities within Tasimboko Ikombu and which will lead into understanding Christian virtues to live by.

He sad life of youths is a gift from God. Human life is a gift from God. It is a share in Gods very own life – becoming incarnate through the womb of Virgin Mary, and this brings the church to being human instituted by God.

“The church which you represent in this Rally has upheld the priceless worth of every young people and their families in the communities. The Church of Melanesia declares in its General Synod that we must involve in awareness that leads the beauty and dignity of the human person who stands above all things and whose rights and duties are respectable and universal; he added.

As Leaders of Young People, we must understand that individual Youths of the society in this Diocese craves to attend such programs where life of God in youth is full of autonomous and worthwhile nature as human beings.

He also said that each member of the Youth are unrepeatable (cannot be changed) irreplaceable (cannot be replaced) and unique. Youth are so special in the society, because they become the assets of the Church, in the Diocese; that a unique being already started its claim for its place in the communities – possessing a particular set of characteristics. That means no individual is a by-product of chance, of a God playing a game of life.

He goes on to say that True revival of youth mission and ministry, must begin, continued and ended in God and our relationship with others. Many members of the Youth Organization must know the obligations of being members of the Church the body of Christ. If that is what we assume, then this gift of life which God has given to Youths must be treasured, cared for and brought to fullness at all moments. It is a gift that both Youths and parents cannot refuse nor put away, and that others cannot grab or take away. Every Youth is God’s creatures – gifted with life even before we actually admitted, the Vicar General said.

The week-long rally will end this Sunday.


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