The Current state of JCPU


The new developments about the John Coleridge Patteson University are signaling positive outcomes for the proposed university.

The land earmarked for the home of the new university at Kosu land in the north Guadalcanal plains is undergoing constant negotiation between the Anglican Church of Melanesia and the Tina Hydro Power Project (THPP) committees. The national infrastructure developments to provide power and water supply are crucial for any major developments to start at the proposed university site. That is the focus of the Solomon Islands Government as it works through the THPP to develop Tina River into dam for power and water supply for Honiara city which will also benefit the university.

Recently, the Anglican Church of Melanesia Trust Board members went to Kosu land to look at the site. The Board went in the morning to look at the land on the same day have had their afternoon meeting. In that meeting, the Board has agreed to set aside the portion of the land for the national infrastructure project.

This is quite an important and positive decision by the Church. Considering these major infrastructures of power and water supply are absolutely necessary to pass through the university campus.  The new developments come as welcoming news for everyone in the church. ACOM won’t be able to put such massive infrastructures in place without the help of the SIG. Power and electricity are key infrastructure developments.


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