UK Teachers Here To Assist ACOM Primary Teachers

Following on from the partnership signed between Norman Palmer School of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) and the three Anglican owned schools in England on the 6th of August 2013; three Primary School teachers from the UK are currently in Honiara to support ACOM Primary school teachers.

Amanda Parsons and Ruth Clarke from Feniton Church of England Primary School and Ruth Ingrouille from Tipton St. John Church of England Primary School are here to facilitate workshops as part of their agreement to assist Norman Palmer School in capacity development for staff.

More than sixty (60) Primary school teachers not only from Norman Palmer School but also all other  ACOM primary schools in Honiara and Guadalcanal and Primary teachers from Taroaniara in Central Islands Province begun their session this morning with lots of excitements.

Next week they will visit selected primary schools where they will try out the skills and activities learnt during the workshops to explore models of effective professional development for teachers.

“The aim of this visit is for them to share with us their knowledge and skills in teaching and the strategies that can be used in our classrooms. Not only do we learn from them, but they also learn from us”, ACOM Education Secretary Mr. James Memua said.

By the end of the program, those who attended this important workshops and sharing of knowledge and skills will be in a better position to effectively train our children to become ‘Talk Champion’ in their own class” Mr. Memua said.


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